How to train cats


Cats are the animals of the species of the synod, from their relatives tigers, leopards and lions, and have a good reputation in human beings because of their own, their intelligence, their dependence on themselves, their inclination to play, entertain and interact with humans. Pet cats, also called pet, domestic, domesticated and native cats, are very similar to those living in the wilderness, they are graceful creatures with strong body, claws and sharp teeth dedicated to hunting small-sized animals, such as mice, rats, and birds and lizards, and cats have super skill in hiding and hunting.

Although all domesticated cats all over the world belong to one species (in Latin: Felis catus), there is a significant variation in size, body and fur color, and to distinguish cats on this basis, they are classified into a large number of breeds, each of which bears traits Small, unique, and the mehgnu of cats to marry different strains of some of them to acquire new breeds with special qualities, and one of the most famous breeds of cats in the World Cat Knight, Abyssinian, Burmese, Siamese, and King, which abound and vary. The cat is an object of great importance in human culture; these animals appear in ancient mythology and art drawings of the Greeks, the Romans, the ancient Egyptians and other peoples.

Physical description of Clamping

The height of the cat at the shoulder ranges from twenty to twenty five centimeters, and its weight may be between two and a half to seven kilograms, and may reach up to nine kilograms or more sometimes. The skeleton consists of a snapshot of two hundred and fifty bones, and works to protect the internal functional organs in the body of the animal, and the skeletal-related muscles are long, thin and elastic, and help the cat to move gracefully and quickly, as it reaches the speed of running to fifty Kilometers per hour. These animals have strong hip joints that allow them to jump to large distances, and have claws that are able to get under the skin when they do not need to be used (thanks to elastic tendons that pull them under the skin of the foot or allow them alone), and cats can take advantage of their claws in defending themselves, clinging to their prey, or climbing trees, apart from that, they cover the inside of these animals with thick leather pillows with a spongy texture, and thanks to this characteristic cats can fall from high altitudes and absorb the shock with their legs alone, so they-if it falls from the high- She flips herself into the air instinctively to land on her legs. The cat has a long tail that helps it balance during movement and climbing.

How to train cats

The cat owner can play with him in different ways, and the cats love foreplay, especially in contact with her jaw, hand-rearing on top of her head, and massaging the back of her neck and her front and back menus. The cat must be immunized against common and contagious diseases, such as secretions, fever and enter colitis, by injecting them with antibiotics for infectious and common diseases.

Basic Training

One of the most important points in training cats is to train them to know their name, especially as they eat, because the cat in the food stage is a good listener and is directly listening to everything around it. Food is very basic in training; it is the reward that makes the cat realize that he did a good job, and he has to do more to get other prizes. When you start training a cat, it is advisable to equip a tool that produces a constant type of sound, such as a whistle or a snap (a device with a bell ringing with each keystroke), such sounds help to attract the attention of the cat and know that it is undergoing training, and the usual method is to use the whistle or The bell and then serve the food for the clamping, and thus can link the sounds produced by these tools to the training session, without which he will not understand why you offer him a food reward and will consider it a mere gift.

Call the Cat

For example, to train a cat to come to its owner when desired, you must start from the time of the meal. Before opening the cat’s food tray or pouring its contents into the dish, the trainer must ring once with his vocal instrument, and with a little repetition, the cat will say that this sound is a good thing (it’s getting food), so he’ll come to his friend as soon as he hears the sound even if Released outside the usual eating times. You can start calling the cat from short distances, rewarding it-when it comes-with some food, and then the cat will get used to it.

Use the bathroom

Cats can also be trained to use the bathroom, but this may be a little difficult. In normal situations, the clamping must have a bowl of residue known to leave its residues in it, and the trick in it is to change the place of the vessel continuously; First you must move it to the bathroom, then you must gradually rounded to the bathroom chair until the cat gets used to approaching it, and finally must put it above The chair has to climb over it whenever he wants to pee, and in the end the pot can be completely removed, and when the cat does not find it will start using the bathroom chair in a normal way.


When you want to train the cat on Esperance or order things, the owner can simply lift a piece of food in front of him (slightly above his head), and then represent the Esperance movement. The cat will have to stand on his feet and lift his front body and legs so he can reach the food, and then you should click the Audio tool to give the cat a sign that this was a training, and then give him food. After some training the cat will be ready to stand up and perform this demand movement without giving him any food.

Cat’s breeds

More than 40 pet cats are scattered on all continents, with many of the cats ‘ strains being extinct or have changed over time, and one of the most famous breeds of cats in the world now is the following:

  • Siamese Cat.
  • The Persian cat.
  • The Himalayan Cat.
  • The Abyssinian Cat.
  • The Ibys Cat.
  • The Palenies Cat.
  • The Manks Cat.
  • Burma Cat.
  • The Russian cat.
  • The country Cat.
  • Cat supplies face.
  • The Angora cat.
  • The Aczotic Cat.
  • Turkish cat.
  • The Somali cat.
  • The Scottish Cat.
  • The Japanese cat.
  • Shanchila Cat.
  • The Egyptian Almao Cat.
  • Bombay Cat.
  • The porcelain cat.
  • The Balanizi Cat.
  • A Torito Cat.
  • The Croatian cat.
  • Turkish Angura Cat.

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