Facts about cats

  • Sleeping cats

Cats are long asleep, with an average of 16 hours of sleep each day. Cats are carnivores. This is a hard and exhausting task for them. They consume a high amount of energy during prey-hunting attempts, It is worth mentioning that most domestic cats do not spend their day hunting prey, but only eat from a special container, and yet it spends its day to sleep.

  • Sense of taste in cats

Cats lack precision in the sense of taste that enables them to perceive the taste of sweetened foods, and therefore the provision of a piece of cakes or sweets for them does not work, and does not give the cat any reaction when they taste something resolved.

  • The language of cats

The cats have a rather complex language, the amount of different sounds they use to communicate with each other, or with other animals, or with humans. Cats tend to communicate with humans through meow and may mean many things, including hunger, or The desire to get attention, and it is noteworthy that each cat is unique in its own voice and quality, so that the sound of a cat and another.

  • Dreams of cats

Cats can dream, and this is one of the amazing things that cats share with humans. They dream as humans dream when they enter the deep sleep stage. This is because the brains of cats produce the same pattern of brain waves that people produce during sleep. It is important to recognize that sleeping cats are safe and dream even if they make sounds.

  • Other Facts About Cats

There are many other facts about cats that should be known, including the following:

  1. Cats have about 30 sharp teeth in their mouths.
  2. The cat’s eyes contain a reflective layer. This layer is known as tapetum lucidum. It amplifies the light, thus seeing the object better. It is explained 6 times more when the light is low.
  3. Cats with dogs contain the third eyelid, a membrane located in the inner corner of the eye, and serves as an additional protective device for the eye.
  4. The cat’s ear contains about 32 muscles, while the human ear contains only 12 muscles, so the muscles of the cat’s ear help determine the location of the prey.
  5. The cat has a barbed tongue.
  6. Cats can not focus and see objects that are approaching them 30 centimeters or more because they have big eyes.
  7. Do not prefer milk cats, nor any dairy products.
  8. Cats who are raised at home live longer than those living on the street.


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