Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Decisions


Only One More Pull Up

How is he holding on so tightly to that door? He sure seems to be afraid of letting go. Don’t worry buddy, you still have another 8 lives to go!

A cat hanging off of an open bathroom door Source: Twitter

Cat: Dammit, I thought I go this balance thing under control. I guess I was wrong. I will just wait here until one of you humans get up and help me.

I Can See The Light

Well isn’t that just typical of cats? Always ignoring thoughtful presents and getting excited about the boxes instead.

A cat with his head sticking out of a closed cardboard box Source: Pinterest

Cat: No, I did not ‘ruin Christmas’ or was not ‘totally unappreciative.’ I’m simply taking joy in the simple things in life, like this box. You know, instead of that iPad you bought me.

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